Sunday, April 12, 2009

Guide To Bathing Your Dog

Never bathed a dog before? You have to read this!

Some dogs hate the water, other love it. You want their experience with water to be positive. Introduce them by giving them handfuls of bath water to drink and then dribbling a little down their face. This should get them used to it.

If you're bathing your dog in the tub, prepare to get wet. Make sure the water is lukewarm- and when I say lukewarm, I mean barely past the point of being cold. Cold water will not hurt a dog, but hot water will.

Use a flea and tick shampoo. I highly recommend Adam's. If your dog has sensitive skin or allergies, ask your vet for an appropriate mild or medicated shampoo.

Wet your dog down completely. I would keep his collar on so that you can hold him, just remove it afterwards and let it air dry. Then, lather his whole body with a palmful of soap. Make sure you work it in, especially if your dog has a thick undercoat. After he is sufficiently lathered, gently rub his face (don't get near his eyes) and ears.

Finally, rinse thoroughly. You need to get all of the shampoo out. Towel dry as best as you can, and then let him take a few laps in the yard! He will probably need to urinate after all the water as well.

After he is somewhat dry, I would brush him. This is the best time to get loose fur out. If you have a short haired dog, you need a plastic bristle brush or something similair so it will be gentle. If you have a long haired dog, get a slicker brush (or the furminator) and go at it.

Finally, praise your dog with a treat or toy for putting up with all of this!!

If you want to learn more about dog care, I recommend this website Click Here

Homemade Dog Food

I found and downloaded the recipes from this website- they are great for the spoiled pooch.


Dog Houses- A Necessity

Do you keep your dog outside most of the day? It's about to be summer again.... AND YOUR DOG NEEDS A DOGHOUSE!

Doghouses provide a home for your dog if he is left in the yard. It will provide protection from the elements- especially the scorching summer sun.

You can buy doghouses at pet specialty stores, but I actually built my own. This website gives you an in depth guide in to building your own dog house.
Build A Dog House

Dog Training

I highly recommend this site for dog training info: Click Here!

Puppy Potty Training 101

Here are my tips for potty training your pup!!

1. Take your pup outside every 30 minutes to 1 hour. This won't eliminate all accidents, but it will help keep your house clean.

2.Give him a treat and praise every time he goes outside.

3. If you catch him in the act, make a loud noise and tell him no. He will normally stop because of the noise, and then you can take him outside to finish.

4.If you come across a puddle/pile and your dog is nowhere in sight, consider it your fault, not his. Puppies cannot control their bladders like we can. Simply clean it up- do not bring your dog to the scene of the crime and try to punish him. He will not know what it is for!

5.You only have 3-5 second to praise your dog after they go before they forget about it. Reason why returning him to the scene of the crime will have no benefit to you.

6. Look for signs that he needs to go. Pacing, sitting by the door, these are all indicators.

7. Put him on a feeding and watering schedule. He shold have to go between 15-45 minutes after eating/drinking. Plan accordingly.

8. Don't let him go on puppy pads unless you are planning on paper training your dog. They will only create confusion.

9.Be patient. These things take time. Pups will probably have accidents for the first 6 months of their life. Sometimes they just cannot help it.

10. Enjoy your pup. He needs support and love just like we do. He will look to you for encouragement when he goes potty outside. Give him all the praise he deserves.

If you would like a complete potty training guide, Click Here!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I recently received a disturbing e-mail about a woman whose dog digested sugar free gum.

Sugar free gum has an ingredient (fake sugar) called XYLITOL that is deadly to dogs. It puts their little bodies into multiple organ failure and it is very difficult for them to recover.

That being said, I highly recommend switching back to real-sugar gum. Just brush your teeth a little harder :)

Also, watch out when you're walking your dog in local parks, on the sidewalk etc. because someone may have left a chunk of their sugar-free gum there for your dog to find!

Want to learn more about dog food and dietary needs? Click Here!

When puppies cry in the cage..

Here is what has worked great for me when crate training my new golden retriever puppy:

1. Cover the cage with a lightweight blanket (I use a bedsheet). THey like to have their own little enclosed space.

2. Keep plenty of air flow- I always keep the fan on just to make him comfortable.

3. Give him a toy he can only have in the kennel (not at night, of course).

4. If he screams at first, let him cry it out. It will not be long before your pup passes out.

5. If you pup is young, he probably can't make it through the night without going out to potty. If he is under 12 weeks and can't hold it through the night, that is normal. Crying when he needs to pee is normally OK.

6. Don't feel bad about putting your dog in the crate!!!!! As long as they are in there for under 3 horus durng the day and through the night they will be just fine. Most puppies need a nap or two during the day- this is the perfect place to put them. It is their own space. They will respect it.

7. Be patient. I've had dogs that will get used to it in a matter of days, and some that take weeks. Just give it time and expect to lose a teeny bit of sleep :)